‘POP’ SONGS: 10 best songs about Dads to Celebrate Father’s Day
Photo Caption:Homer J. Simpson, one rockin' dad. (Photo credit: mystickermania.com) By Tom Zillich Last month I saluted moms for Mother's Day, so now I'm here to celebrate dads ahead of their big day, Father's Day (on June 19,2022). Yes, we're talking top songs that...
10 Best Rock/Pop Songs To Celebrate Mother’s Day
Photo Credit:Rockstar moms are the best, as noted on this T-shirt found on amazon.com By Tom Zillich Songs about mothers are plentiful, as they should be. Loving mothers make the world go ‘round, after all, so in honour of Mother’s Day I’ve compiled a list of special...
10 Wonderfully Weird Songs About Christmas and Santa
Photo credit: A scene from the video for Mental As Anything's trippy song, "Apocalypso (Wiping the Smile off Santa's Face)," from 1984. (Credit: YouTube.com) By Tom Zillich I’m not really big on Christmas songs in the traditional sense (you know, those played over...

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